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[Authors] .. [Martin, Theodore]

Martin, Theodore

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Heine. "Ich stand in dunkeln Tr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121.738 (April 1877): 504.
Heine. "Warum sind die Rosen so blass?." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121.738 (April 1877): 504.
Heine. "Liebe, sollst mir heute sagen?." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121.738 (April 1877): 505.
Heine. "Loreley." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 121.738 (April 1877): 505.
Heine. "Mein Kind, wir waren Kinder." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 501.
Heine. "Sie haben heut' Abend Gesellschaft." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 502.
Heine. "Die Jahre kommen und gehen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 502.
Heine. "Die Sch." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 502.
Heine. "Am fernen Horizonte." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 503.
Heine. "Die Nacht ist feucht und st." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 503.
Heine. "Die Jungfrau schl." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 504.
Heine. "Du hast Diamanten und Perlen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 504.
Heine. "Das Herz ist mir bedr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 505.
Heine. "Und w." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.744 (October 1877): 505.
Heine. "Manch Bild vergessner Zeiten." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 628.
Heine. "Frau Ilse." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 629.
Heine. "Nacht lag auf meinen Augen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 630-631.
Heine. "Sie haben mich gequ." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 631.
Heine. "Ich wollte bei dir weilen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 631-632.
Heine. "Sie liebten sich Beide, doch Keiner." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 632.
Heine. "Ich wollt, meine Schmerzen erg." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 632.
Heine. "Mir tra." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 633.
Heine. "Die blauen Veilchen der Aeugelein." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 633.
Heine. "Die Welt ist so sch." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 122.745 (November 1877): 633.
Heine. "Ein Traum, gar seltsam schauerlich." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 89-91.
Heine. "Wenn ich auf dem Lager liege." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 91.
Heine. "M." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 91.
Heine. "Du bist wie eine Blume." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 92.
Heine. "Kind! es w." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 92.
Heine. "Es stehen unbeweglich." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 92.
Heine. "Im wundersch." [Translations] From Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 93.
Heine. "Aus meinen Thr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 93.
Heine. "Mag da draussen Schnee sich th." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 93.
Heine. "Wenn ich in deine Augen seh'." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 93.
Heine. "Auf Fl." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 94.
Heine. "Verrieth mein blasses Angesicht." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 94.
Heine. "Was treibt und tobt mein tolles Blut?." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 95-96.
Heine. "Was will die einsame Thr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.747 (January 1878): 96.
Heine. "Still ist die Nacht, es ruh'n die Gassen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 221.
Heine. "Im Sussen Traum, bei stiller Nacht." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 221-222.
Heine. "Wie kannst du ruhig schlafen?." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 223.
Heine. "Ich grolle nicht, und wenn Herz auch bricht." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 223.
Heine. "Ja, du bist elend, und ich grolle nicht." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 223.
Heine. "Ich trat in jene Hallen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 224.
Heine. "Im Traum sah ich die Geliebte." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.748 (February 1878): 224.
Heine. "On the Hardenberg." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 426.
Heine. "Herz, mein Herz, sei nicht beklommen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 426-427.
Heine. "In den Kussen welche Luge." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 427.
Heine. "So hast du ganz und gar Vergessen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 427.
Heine. "Der Mond is aufgegangen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 427.
Heine. "Das Meer erglanzte weit hinaus." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 428.
Heine. "Der Abend kommt gezogen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 428-429.
Heine. "Der bleiche, herbstliche Halbmond." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 429-430.
Heine. "The Slave-Ship." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 430-433.
Heine. "Deine weissen Lilienfinger." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.750 (April 1878): 433.
Heine. "A Fireside Piece." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.751 (May 1878): 599.
Heine. "Love's Burial." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.751 (May 1878): 600.
Heine. "The Unbeliever." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.751 (May 1878): 600.
Heine. "Donna Clara." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 123.751 (May 1878): 601-602.
Heine. "Belshazzar." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 33-34.
Heine. "The Grenadiers." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 34-35.
Heine. "Ich lag und schlief, und schlief recht mild." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 35.
Heine. "Saphire sind die Augen dein." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 36.
Heine. "Dass du mich liebst, das wusst' ich." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 36.
Heine. "Ich wollte, meine Lieder." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 36-37.
Heine. "Wie der Mond sich leuchtend dr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 37.
Heine. "Das ist ein schlechtes Wetter." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 37-38.
Heine. "Wir sassen am Fischerhause." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 38.
Heine. "Im Walde wandl' ich und weine." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 39.
Heine. "Ich wandelte unter den Ba." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 39.
Heine. "Anfangs wollt' ich fast verzagen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 39.
Heine. "Und als ich euch meine Schmerzen geklagt." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 39.
Heine. "The Pilgrimage to Kevlaar." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 40-42.
Heine. "Mein Herz, mein Herz ist traurig." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 42.
Heine. "Hor' ich das Liedchen klingen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.753 (July 1878): 42.
Heine. "Wenn ich an deinem Hause." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 348.
Heine. "Man glaubt, dass ich mich gr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 348.
Heine. "Der Schmetterling ist in die Rose verliebt." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 349.
Heine. "Vergiftet sind meine Lieder." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 349.
Heine. "In mein gar zu dunkles Leben." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 349.
Heine. "So wandl' ich wieder den alten Weg." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 350.
Heine. "Die Rose, die Lilie, die Taube, die Sonne!." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 350.
Heine. "Dien Angesicht, so lieb und sch." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 350.
Heine. "Mein Liebchen, wir sassen beisammen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 350.
Heine. "Ein Jungling liebt ein M." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 351.
Heine. "Du liebst mich nicht, Du liebst mich nicht." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 351.
Heine. "Oh, schwore nicht, und kusse nur!." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 351.
Heine. "Das ist ein Fl." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 352.
Heine. "Ach, wenn ich nur der Schemel w." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 352.
Heine. "Die blaue Fr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 352.
Heine. "Wenn du vor." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 353.
Heine. "Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 353.
Heine. "Mein s." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 353.
Heine. "Die Mitternacht war kalt und stumm." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 354.
Heine. "Ich hab' im Traum geweinet." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 354.
Heine. "Alln." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 354.
Heine. "Das ist ein Brausen und Heulen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 355.
Heine. "Aus alten M." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 355.
Heine. "Am leuchtenden Sommermorgen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 356.
Heine. "Lieb Liebchen, leg's H." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 356.
Heine. "Ich ungl." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.755 (September 1878): 356.
Heine. "Morgens steh ich auf und frage." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 480.
Heine. "Ich will meine Seele tauchen." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 480.
Heine. "Und als ich so lange, so lange ges." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 480.
Heine. "Mir tr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 481.
Heine. "Sie haben dir viel erz." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 481.
Heine. "Seit die Liebste war entfernt." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 481.
Heine. "Die Linde bl." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 482.
Heine. "Philister in Sonntagsr." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 482.
Heine. "Es liegt der heisse Sommer." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 482.
Heine. "Mir tra." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 483.
Heine. "Wenn zwei von einander scheiden." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 483.
Heine. "Ach, die Augen sind es wieder." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 483.
Heine. "Hat sie sich denn nie ge." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 484.
Heine. "Wir fuhren allein im dunkeln." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 484.
Heine. "Es f." Translations from Heine. trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 124.756 (October 1878): 484.
Schiller. "The Song of the Bell." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 141.858 (April 1887): 579-589.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Diver." Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142.863 (September 1887): 400-403.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Veiled Statue at Sais." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142.864 (October 1887): 563-564.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Glove." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142.864 (October 1887): 565-566.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Ring of Polycrates." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142.865 (November 1887): 684-686.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Cranes of Ibycus." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 142.865 (November 1887): 687-690.
Hartwig, Gustav. "The Last String: From the German of Gustav Hartwig." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 143.867 (January 1888): 101-103.
Hartwig, Gustav. "The Eve of St John: Translated from the German of Gustav Hartwig." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 143.870 (April 1888): 527-528.
Uhland, Ludwig. "The Minstrel's Curse." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144.875 (September 1888): 399-400.
Martin, Theodore. "To the Empress Frederic: On her arriving in England, 19th November 1888." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 144.878 (December 1888): 900.
Schiller, Friedrich. "Hero and Leander: From the German of Friedrich Schiller." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 145.879 (January 1889): 38-43.
Freiligrath, Ferdinand. "Love, Love Ever!." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 145.881 (March 1889): 370-371.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Hostage." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 145.882 (April 1889): 532-535.
Schiller, Friedrich. "Rudolph of Hapsburg." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 145.884 (June 1889): 756-758.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Partition of the Earth." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 146.885 (July 1889): 68.
Martin, Theodore. "Robert Browning." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 147.891 (January 1890): 112.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Invincible Armada: From Friedrich Schiller." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148.900 (October 1890): 513-514.
Martin, Theodore. "Dante and Beatrice: 1st May 1274." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 148.901 (November 1890): 658.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Camp of Wallenstein." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151.916 (February 1892): 231-256.
Martin, Theodore. "St George's Chapel, Windsor: 20th January 1892." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 151.916 (February 1892): 329-330.
Hartwig, Gustav. "The Rat-catcher of Hameln." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 152.924 (October 1892): 491-493.
Martin, Theodore. "Tennyson and "Cymbeline"." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 152.925 (November 1892): 767.
Schiller, Friedrich. "The Gods of Greece: From the German of Friedrich Schiller." trans. Theodore Martin. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 153.929 (March 1893): 383-386.
Martin, Theodore. "Prince Alexander of Bulgaria: Sofia, 26th November 1893." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 155.939 (January 1894): 165-166.
Martin, Theodore. "Floreat Britannia: Mafeking, 18th May 1900.." Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine 167.1016 (June 1900): 857.